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2023-08-14 04:57:06




Summer vacation, every student is looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon. I am no exception, after all summer vacation has two months! Of course I won't let this all be ruined the hard-won happy summer vacation. Should this, just after the exam, I was like a big lobster prone on the table make summer plans. "Cough, this see writing assignments can't less. Well, it is also necessary that play computer and watch TV," boy, I spent an hour!

The pain so, happy to play for a few days. Two days later, my mother and I went to two names, a day after the summer holiday homework by the teacher. And boy, the hateful language teacher had called us to grade four ancient words copy 8 times! At that time, the roof of the classroom are "off". The classmates all rang rang. I comfort myself: nothing, not just copy the eight times, big deal I do hurry up, or not to change the plan.

For a day, students (call told me to go with her to learn taekwondo, after family discussions, decided to let me to learn. At this time, cousin to phone again: "hello, yueyue, summer vacation to stay oh! By the way, I teach you to paint!" "Really? That's great! I'll come!" At this time, I already forgot to plan and throw it to the outside of the cloud nine.


In order to let me have a full and happy summer vacation, I made a plan for the summer vacation.

Every day, I will go to exercise for an hour, it can let me have a strong healthy body. I will arrange two hours to do the teacher the assignment. Reading for an hour, reading can let me know a lot of extra-curricular knowledge, to the all-round development. We will accumulate some good word, when reading a book to improve my writing.

Except, I will also let the parents give me quote some interest groups, let me batteries. Floods and other disasters in learning to swim, to save his life. To learn the piano, can develop around the brain, flexible with your fingers. Learn how to dance, to be able to make the body soft and build the temperament of your high school. Pen calligraphy, three grade for me to use a ball-point pen to write a good foundation.

Read thousands of books, not equal to view. This summer, mom and dad will take me to different places let me open mind. We are going to go to England, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, xinjiang, Taiwan, sichuan, hubei, hunan. Because to place a lot, so I want to strive, to finish the homework earlier.




英语作文手写 追 作文 拒绝 作文 传递 作文 竹林 作文 敬畏 作文 影子 作文 作文 狗 如果 作文 教师 作文 一件事给我的启示作文500字 一件难忘的事英语作文80字带翻译 这一路风光正好作文600字 记一次家务劳动作文500字 幸福在那一刻绽放作文600字 假如我有一双翅膀作文600字 我向往这样一所中学作文400字 有一种记忆叫温暖500字作文 珍爱生命安全第一作文300字 我尝到了创造的乐趣作文400字 我学会了打羽毛球作文300字 我作文上的红双圈代表着什么 感受什么的美好作文600字 史上最牛高考零分作文 如何保持健康英语作文80词初二 我需要这样的平台作文400字 以细节为话题的作文600字 六一游园活动作文300字 我生活在鼓励之中作文600字 以勇气为话题的作文800字