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2023-08-14 07:46:01




Today, I finished reading the bronze sunflower.

Bronze is a good and obedient boy. He listens to the words of his mother and father, and the family says a bronze is afraid to say two, in order to make the home good;He did not go to school, he dug a basket of wild vegetables outside, he beat a wild bird, he helped his family to see the fields, he watched the animals, and he read the words in 100 words.It's a good helper for mom and dad.

But he was a silent child who was better off than he was, and not only could he speak and go to school, but he could not.Father and mother say one, we dare to say two, do not think for the family to buy this buy that, this bad that person is not good.Computers, cell phones play a sharp decline in one eye, game consoles, fallen on mom and dad said, have no use, more is said to be a good helper for mom and dad, is mom and dad trouble, ok!

We also want to be like bronze, when the father mother's good helper, the family's three handles, come on!


Today, I read 101 classic good stories. The most touching story in the book is the orange tiger.

Is mainly speak this story there is an orange into a tiger, the tiger, traveling around and did something in the journey and a good thing: it saw a gray Wolf was caught a lamb, went to the Wolf, the Wolf away.It heard that the mother sheep was ill and needed oranges, so she gave some of her flesh to her mother.He saw a pair of farmer's orchards burned by the robbers and gave them all the orange seeds.In the end, it disappeared.

How good the orange tiger is!I think, although the orange tiger is gone, but the small sheep must not forget once have a tiger to give it a half sweet orange;The farmer saw the oranges in the garden, and they must not forget that it was a gift from the orange tiger.The story tells me that only a good heart will bring happiness to others.

A few days ago, I want to go to class in city, and my father and mother to work, have no time to pick up for me, just as our family feel very helpless, was zhi-yuan xu mother know, she offered to help me to pick up, in this way to solve the problem for us.Think of myself in life, sometimes my parents tell me to do things, and I just like not hear.After reading this story, I felt ashamed of my behavior.I secretly decided, from now on, to learn the spirit of orange tiger, to be modest and prudent, to help others!


Yes, life has to go through the upstream to go up to a higher level. The most important thing is to look up to yourself.

Donkey, to any person, is a only know things of livestock, tearing throat call every day, also don't know how bad his voice, especially those old donkey, also useless, can kill stew to eat.Who would have thought that even a donkey would teach people.

One day, a farmer's donkey fell into a dry well, and the farmer tried to find a way to rescue the donkey, but a few hours later, the donkey was crying in the dry well.

In the end, the farmer decided to give up, and he thought that the donkey was too old to be able to get it out.But anyway, the well has to be filled in.Then the farmer asked the neighbor to help him bury his respected donkey, so that he could not suffer.

The farmer's neighbors began to shovel the soil into the dry well.When the donkey learned about his situation, he began to cry miserably and had a cold wife.But, to his surprise, the donkey quieted down after a while.The farmer's curious probe looked into the well and was startled to see what he saw.

When the soil that was shoveled into the well landed on the donkey, all the soil fell to the bottom of the well and then stood on it.Soon the donkey ran away in surprise!

This is a very interesting story, the end of the story is surprising, however, has told us a useful lesson: life must be through the upstream to towards a higher level, the most important thing is always respect yourself.As the donkey trapped in the bottom of the well, during the journey of life, sometimes we fall into the "dry well", and then all kinds of "silt" return to us.To get out of these "dry Wells", we would shake off the mud and stand on it!




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