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2023-08-17 06:52:19




A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years. It’s shocking that 92.5 percent of us are nearsighted now, compared to 78.20% in 2005, which was already worrying. The same is true for students’ sleeping condition. Nine students out of ten suffer from a lack of sleep at present.

There’re another two facts that shouldn’t be ignored. Two years ago, about one third of the students were in the trouble of overweight, and less than one third of them had problems in mental health. However, both numbers have risen to 50% or so within the past two years.

In view of the serious health condition, immediate steps should be taken before it’s too late. To begin with, the amount of homework should be properly controlled. Moreover, school should provide students with necessary knowledge on health and satisfy their needs for recreation. It is equally important that students should get rid of their unhealthy habits, become more efficient in their study and lead a healthy life.


The desire for good health is universal. If a person feels ill all the time, he will in most cases old a pessimistic view toward things and lead a sad life. What's more, no matter how ambitious he could be, he might just be too weak to carry out any of his grand plans. Hence, though many people are seeking after wealth or power, they always attach the greatest importance to health.

Since a sick person tends to be unhappy, people worldwide have spared no efforts to slay healthy. They pay special attention to what they eat so that they get neither malnourished nor overweighed. Besides, people, especially, those engaged in mental jobs, create numerous indoor or outdoor exercises to keep energetic, eg. working in the field as gardeners and farmers, going to work on foot, cycling to work, having a walk after supper, climbing mountains, traveling, attending all kinds exercises in health clubs, etc.

To be healthy also includes being mentally healthy. It is another important guaranty for people to live or work well. So, experts suggest that we keep a calm, peaceful and open mind and try to avoid extreme emotions like fierce anger, extreme sadness and excitement. Therefore, exercises like Taiji Exercise, traveling, etc. which can benefit people both physically and mentally are popular not only in China but also in other countries.

As far as I am concerned, in addition to a balanced diet and a peaceful mind, I lack pleasure the performing various types of exercises. And playthg basketball and badminton are my favourite games.




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