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2023-08-19 07:29:01



Autumn, fruits of the earth, scenic, fruits were put on the beautiful clothes in the open party too! In the autumn, pears, apples, persimmons ...... you squeeze me touch others are scrambling to pick it! Farmers harvesting rice uncle attentively, rows of geese on the field to catch up in a burst of white clouds cast a warm exhort. Autumn tree leaves mother hurried to a small doll wearing a gold, fruit trees also put the thick golden clothes. Daisy fairy even more beautiful, beautiful people look also to see, however. You see, I really like a purple daisy girl wearing a red hat; white chrysanthemums as an elegant and beautiful Snow White, red, yellow chrysanthemums ...... like a bunch of fairies dance costumes. If you see such a beautiful chrysanthemum, it will certainly impress you, so that you immediately come up with the camera, press the shutter, and quickly captured the beauty of it.

Autumn rhythm up underground, butterflies, bees and quickly hide the past, leaves bathe in the rain, as if to say; insect who, relatives, people ...... autumn has really come, has come to our side, add more clothes. Insects are flying in from leaves, scarred wings, as if to give us warm. Swallow just fly past, as if to say; to tell you goodbye, I want to hibernate, and next year in the spring in common. Autumn wind whistling blowing, maple, sycamore leaves their mother to leave her mother, to the majority, colorful world to take risks. They, the breeze in the air, telling people: autumn cold attention. Small animals have winter, you see, ants carrying food to intensify bunny bounce to go to pick turnips. Small birds build nests in stepping up, Winnie collected a lot of meat and fish, ready to sleep, eat!

Autumn scene really beautiful ah! I love autumn scene! Well, if the fall is always good, because: so I always have sweet fruit to eat. In short, there is nothing more beautiful than autumn, if not fall, we never see such a beautiful scene.








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