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2023-08-24 06:19:13




My father and I together on a plane to the Inner Mongolia hailar tourism.

The second day morning, we together the bus came to the west mountain national forest park to see mongolica. Mongolica thin, long, like a soldier came to stand up straight. In the afternoon, we took the bus to visit the hulun buir prairie.

We took to the prairie, the hospitable mongols and served dad to dismount wine, this is the Mongolian people greeter custom. Dad in the form of the mongols, happily drank the whole bowl dismount wine, then we'll eat with relish the grilled meat.

Finished eating grilled meat, we went to ride a horse to ride a horse, to prairie next to the river to look for the mouse.

On the third day morning, we took the bus to visit the most beautiful wetland of Asia's largest - root river wetland. There scenery, one of the most famous attractions is the horseshoe island.

Legend, one day, a great genghis khan tiemuzhen rode his horse in a leisurely stroll. All of a sudden, a tiger to tiemuzhen, his horse leap, away from the tiger's attack.

It drops the footprints of gradually formed a small island, is the water chestnut island.This is the place where I play in hailar, let me linger!








Summer vacation one day early in the morning, dad and his friends decided to take their children to ecological agriculture, forestry and strawberry park to play, we set out early, and other children together, the adults directly drive to strawberry fields. On the way, we see is blocked by the fog of citic bridge, since the show a little only receive a little unclear of the straight line.

We reached our destination, straight to the strawberry garden, can't wait to pick strawberries. The strawberry to pick a big and bright red is about to drip, a little Bai Dou feel not very good.

I picked a lot of to han provided, because he is very small, about three years old, and my basket is not all is my pick, some are a wears glasses and beautiful and young sister pick.

Finally, I gave the basket of strawberries points a little sister, who is my.

After, I have washed my hands, han provided you give me a big and strange strawberries, seems to be two strawberries grow together, I wash to eat, wow, so sweet, I have never eaten such a sweet strawberries, looks like han provided it was a good heart!

Pick the strawberries, I went to the farm to eat. Before dinner, we went to the farm equipment to play some of the activities, such as: swing and seesaw, swing the most fun, her good high, around the playground pirate ship is so high.

Eat rice, I came to a mini fish ponds, set up a mini Bridges. There are some old fishing tools, they the farm become more old. Today, I had a good time in the north, next time, I also want to play.












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