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2023-08-27 03:35:01




One Sunday afternoon, I take a bus to go to dance lessons, flying art school, there are too many people on the car, no empty seat, so I had to stand.

In hengfeng hotel bus station, a white-haired old woman pestle crutches, climbs the bus with one hand on the handle, demanding the car on the ground. She walked gingerly back from the front of the bus, stepped out right in front of me stopped and the car there is no one who take the initiative to give her a seat. I thought to myself: "if I have a seat, will let the old woman sit!" Bus driving forward quickly, don't know what situation, appeared in front of the bus suddenly ruthlessly bumped and grandma a news, I hastened to stretch my hands to hold her, old woman turned around, gratefully saw my one eye. "No, I have to think of a way to the old woman find a seat." I secretly thinking, "what?" I suddenly flashes in my head, there is! I shouted at the one on the seat next to uncle said: "uncle, you seat has a dirty thing!" The uncle was surprised and immediately stood up and said: "ah? Where is it?" I haven't answered the question of her uncle, quickly took a grandma's hand and said: "grandma, uncle the good seats for you, sit down quickly!" Grandma listened to, and sat down on the uncle said: "thank you, boy!" Uncle first one leng, then suddenly enlighted, knowing the I nodded and said, "you're welcome, this is what I should do! Kid, you're a good boy, you are so smart!"

That day I really good happy, because I did a good thing with my wit.


There's a phrase is: "help others happy yourself." Well, you know what mood is help by others? Don't tell others, I was also helped by others. I know the feeling is very special.

Things happen in my mother took me to the mountain, there are mountain water, but water depth of the high mountain, because I didn't climb over the mountains, so very afraid, but also very excited. The mountain was full of stones, at first I am not afraid, because have protect my fence and is Bridges, then not only without barriers, or the stone road, I was afraid.

Just as I do not know what to do, a met a uncle like angel gently held my hand and said "don't be afraid, we walk together." Immediately, I like a long time did not have the warmth and vitality, a flower will soon wither, suddenly got sunshine and full of vitality in full bloom. Then I happy smiled. Because the first met uncle, he led me out of the dangerous steep slope, out of the great canyon, through the flowing water. In this way, we together through the mountains, canyons, and a river. Finally got to the top of the mountain, because we maintain, hand in hand, like together through the ups and downs, finally met a beautiful rainbow!

To help others, is what is meaningful! As others help, I can feel, helped by others, the grateful heart. It can't see, also can not touch, the heart is full of happiness.




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