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weather reporter的英语比赛演讲稿

2023-08-28 07:59:01

有关weather reporter的英语比赛演讲稿

hello everybody, i am the famous “daze reporter” from the daze weather station in daze country. today, i’m going to report the weather for tomorrow, february 30th, in winter.

the weather tomorrow morning will be rainy to stormy to rainy to stormy in speaking province, the people sure have a topic to talk! maybe they’ll sing:“ rain, rain, go away, never come back anyway.”we all know how they hate rain. people in sleeping province will stay at home and have a beautiful dream for a storm that will happen. in loving province, the weather is warm and nice enough to go a date. and i purpose you, people in jumping province, you’d better not go out but stay at home because the weather will be rainy or snowy or stormy. but i don’t know which is the actual weather, but it must be one of them. and in our capital city, daze city, you can enjoy the hot and stuffy weather.

in the afternoon, floods and earthquakes and volcano eruptions and tornados and typhoons and tsunamis will happen in our whole daze country. we’d better travel to the gorge and stay there for a whole day and not come back. angry sea will be mad, so tourists, be careful! but if you travel in funny sea, then you’ll have a happy time because the sunshine’s so shining. high waves are going to assault scare strait, the strait sure will be scare! but in the night, the weather in our whole country is going to be sunny. “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. you make me happy when skies are gray……”

and in the growing province, a serious drought will happen. well, drought isn’t uncommon in this season.

don’t forget the temperature! it’s going to be 40 to 80 degrees centigrade in the north, 5 to 25 degrees centigrade in the south, 1 to 2 degrees centigrade in the east and 70 to 35 degrees centigrade in the west. wow! it seems that the earth is sick!

and in 5 minutes we will have the weather forecast of every city, thank you.

【有关weather reporter的英语比赛演讲稿】



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