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2023-08-31 07:27:02



(Represent of Freedom and Peace)

Almost everyday we can see there are always a huge number of pigeons enjoying the sunbath in some large squares, but do you often care what a white pigeon stands for? That is peace. For hundreds of years, people always regard pigeons as a represent of freedom and peace. That is because of not only its lovely pure figure, but also its great passion to the outside world. Till now, I still cant help thinking of such a picture: In Iraq, a boy was watching a white pigeon over his head. The background was full of wounded solders and guns. Thus, this lovely white pigeon was contrastive to this iced background and gave people a deep consideration. Suddenly, athought comes into my mind: Why there have been so many wars in the world just for someones own interest? Why cant people live like as mall pigeon with freedom? I hope there will not be wars, forever!




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