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2023-09-06 02:29:08


On Sunday I'm doing all right found in the kitchen and some vegetables did not wash. I want to be a heart I put these vegetables washed mother do not wash the dishes?

I say do it with a basket of vegetables on the side of the pond the vegetables into the pool. I rolled up my sleeves and unscrew the faucet like to learn my mother began to carefully wash up the dishes.

I'll rub vegetables then a piece of land to wash the leaves even a little dirty things are not spared. Washed I touched a soft fluffy thing. My hand was like an electric shock to shrink back. Ah! Don't know a look surprised the original is a caterpillar on enjoy "bath" fun in the leaves. Scared I put the leaves into the distance. Looked at throw away the leaves I thought to myself: mother undertakes to wash vegetables I encountered many a caterpillar but my mother always calmly picked up the caterpillar throw it away to wash the dishes. I like a coward. I ventured picked up the courage to throw away leaves put away the caterpillar trod to death. At this time although I had goose bumps but I really like the victory as happy. I sing to wash dishes.

Watching the water Lingling vegetables lying in a basket I am pleased to have jumped up and down finally can help mom and dad to do whatever thing




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