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高一英语作文The Best Way of Traveling

2023-09-08 02:39:05

高一英语作文The Best Way of Traveling


Today, as people live a better life, they chase for more enjoyment. We can see from the news that when the holiday comes, there are so many people gather in the scenery site. People like to travel today, they can take a plane, take the bus or even take a bike. On my opinion, the best way to travel is by train. First, it is very cheap. Compare with other ways, such as plane and bus, train is less expensive, people can save a lot of money. Besides, taking the train is much safer. People dont have to worry about crush, which is more happen in the plane or bus. Second, we can enjoy the scenery in the train. Though the train is very slow, we can have a good sight of the beautiful scenery, when we go to Tibet, we can see different colors and different mountains during the trip. Taking the train is the best way to travel.


【高一英语作文The Best Way of Traveling】



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