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2023-09-09 04:06:03



Because work is life, life is not only to a single aspect of the work, there are more rich and colorful life needs, including physiological, safety, social, esteem and self actualization, followed by a low to high demand of different levels.

When life is understood only for a single job, it will lose more meaning and happiness in life. People who only work crazy, should pay more attention to the meaning of life.

Work is for life

Purpose of work

The first is to learn to live independently in society. Without survival, let alone study, live and develop.

Secondly, we should learn responsibility from work, because work is also a responsibility in society.

Once again, work is also a learning and accumulation, work experience for people.

Work is not the whole life. The meaning of life lies in life, work is just to live better, life is not limited to work. The significance of the work is to play as well as we can, so that we get a sense of achievement, which meet the highest human needs (according to Maslow five needs theory) so that our joy, and to make our life more beautiful. Money and honour are but byproducts of our work.

For individuals, each person in society is the way to realize their social division of labor, through the work we can better improve mutual social ties, to get their lives in a good social environment. The essence of life is to reach the people you want to meet, and to help you achieve your potential and create greater value for society through the social forces created by these personal relationships. An individual always gets into work after studying. Because work is the best embodiment of human social practice.

Because the normal life must be in the normal operation can be achieved, and the normal operation of society must be in each natural person in the social division of labor can be achieved, and the natural person can participate in the work depends on whether it can meet the needs of the society. Therefore, the reason why we work is essentially for survival. The essence is that in our environment we only allow the existence of people who obey the social operation system, and we can only prove that we are of this kind.

Why do you work?

For survival, of course. I'm sure a lot of people would say that.

What kind of job will you find in this world? What will your job be? Fundamentally, it's not a question of what to do and what to pay, but a question of life. Work is hard work. It is in order to achieve something or gain something that we need to focus and pay attention to that. In this essence, work is not what we do for a living, but something we do with life.

Work is a mission bestowed on god. Your love and happiness within things as a mission to do, can find their own unique ability. The most important thing is to be able to maintain a positive attitude, even if it is hard work, you can also feel the value, and when you complete your mission, you will find that the bud of success is sprouting.

Work is the object of effort. The most satisfying job is to make our work oriented to our ability to show our talents and character. A person's attitude towards work is closely related to his own personality and ability to do things. It depends on whether a person can achieve his or her wish to succeed, as long as he sees the spirit and attitude of his work. If a man feels constrained when he does something and feels that his work is hard and hard and without any interest in it, then he will never make great achievements.

Life is narrowly defined as an indispensable livelihood activity necessary for survival and reproduction during life, and its basic content is food, clothing, shelter and daily life. The broad sense refers to people's activities, including the activities of daily living, work, leisure, social occupation life, personal life, family life and social life In general, life can be classified into three categories, namely, social life, professional life and family life. (besides, there are two major categories of "spiritual life" and "material life").

Life is narrowly defined as an indispensable livelihood activity necessary for survival and reproduction during life, and its basic content is food, clothing, shelter and daily life. Broadly refers to the various activities of people, including daily life, action, work, leisure, social and other professional life, personal life, family life and social life." In general, life can be classified into three categories, namely, social life, professional life and family life. (besides, there are two major categories of "spiritual life" and "material life").

I. social life:

Daily life (instant clothes, living and living), urban life, rural life, women's life, political life, cultural life, art life, religious life, folk life, and so on.

Two. Professional life:

Worker life, peasant life, soldier life, teacher life, nurse life, frontier life, unemployed life, beggar life, prison life, vagrant life, poor life, refugee life and so on.

Three. Family life:

Leisure life, personal life, celibacy, old age life, parents life, husband and wife life, sex life, single parent life, cohabitation life and so on.

What is life?

Some creators say, "life is constant innovation.". Every day they try a new test, a new design style, write articles, counting...... They are soaring in the sea of knowledge, so that knowledge continues to upgrade, constantly updated. For them, this is life.

What is life?

Some manual workers say, "life is doing ordinary things.". At the side of the road, on the bridge, in the building, how many cleaners are cleaning for the people?. In a construction area, how many workers are building houses for people?. They work hard and create comfortable living conditions for people. For them, this is life.

What is life?

Some old people say, "life is an old age.". In the park, in the early morning or evening, there will always be many old people exercising. They can see them wandering around and live a peaceful life every day. For them, this is life.

What is life? The answer is simply too many. Some say it is a process of overcoming setbacks, and some say it is a knockout, and others say...... No matter what life is, it is perfect if we look at it optimistically and make it meaningful.

Let us live life is strange in a second hit after is still full of hope and enthusiasm, who cannot expect, only the target to achieve, although often make us feel frustrated and helpless but we have to face.

Everyone has their own logical thinking and way of life, we don't want you the experience of others to building your life. Don't change other people's success to your own life pressure. To live is to live, to be healthy, and to be happy, that is the meaning of life. Remember Maupassant's saying, "life can't be as good as you think, but it's not as bad as you think.". Therefore, we have to live well, worthy of heaven and earth, worthy of their parents, worthy of society, worthy of their own.

Work is for life, but it is not life, it is not life.

Work is for a better life, and life is for living more wonderful.

Work is for life, money is not much, as long as you can make your life more comfortable. Concentrate on your work and put your mind and energy into it.

Work is not life. Although it's 8 hours a day, five days a week, the best days are devoted to work, but family life is every minute of work. How to put the center of gravity, how to adjust the mentality, just when you come home from work to open the door of the moment. That is a kind of eternal heartbeat.




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