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2023-09-13 03:25:01












I'm a space developer in the future. Our family lives on the moon, where the environment is beautiful and the air is fresh.

One day, my assistant, Dr. Niu, told me a big good news: according to the data, there is a lot of life activity on Mars, that is to say, human beings can live on mars.

Knowing the great news of the day, I took my cosmic development team on a tour of mars.

Mars scenery good, we found on Mars residents had come, but they are confused, we just opened a language translator...... Later, we met the leaders there and got the right to develop, and we were all happy, and the local people were very enthusiastic about us.

A few years later, we looked at Mars from the moon, and it was so beautiful. Then I sent myself to Mars, and I went back to earth alone. It allows us to live at the top, with its energy, it never complained, just pay, now it has been protected, I looked at the earth's home trance, when Dr told me that mercury can also develop, so I also embarked on the development of star ball brigade.

Time goes by quickly, except the sun in the solar system, other planets have been developed, but still can not meet the needs of mankind, I think human beings will go to the Milky way galaxy. "Only the earth is our real home."!" Dr laughed, then I remembered the human's first great "mother", so I quit work, bring the family together back to earth, live to old age.










"Oh, yes, all day long. I'm bored to death. I really want to grow up. So I don't have to do my homework all day." As I was doing my homework, I was muttering.

All of a sudden, I felt like my body was floating, and I got tickets to another world. I was surprised, looked at around the skyscrapers. Novel design, every kind of criss cross the bridge, a car ingenious, stylish car on speeding, the comings and goings of young and old clothes are rich in color, style, magnificent...... Everything here, let me look at the dazzling, too busy to attend to all.

"Miss, let me ask you for a moment. I turn around and frighten me. An ugly robot is cleaning up the waste on the ground with an electric broom. I quickly stepped aside and watched it slowly away figure, I just pounding heart to calm down.

Hey, what does it call me miss? I know this, I have grown into a beautiful girl. I long a pair of bright eyes; there is a cherry mouth on her shoulders; a glossy black hair; a high nose; skin white, shining in the sun like white porcelain luster. The more I see it, the more I feel like snow white in fairy tales; plus a pair of two pairs of inverted braces.

In an instant, I sat in the classroom, with a computer class on the big screen, like magic, the way to teach me to learn. Tired of learning, I drifted to the countryside, breathe a little fresh air. I took the remote control, told it to wind, windmill turned; call it rain, the sky drops; called it snow, snowflakes flying everywhere, it is really fun! There's also a greenhouse. On the ground is the people eat grains, the middle species is people eat fresh vegetables, "heaven" knot is some fruit, and so on. The fruits, vegetables and food are not polluted here. They are all green food".

But it's just a beautiful dream. Isn't there an idiom "a dream come true"? I believe that as long as we work hard, work together, this dream will become a reality.











I was born in an ordinary city, facing the tall buildings every day, beautiful cars, flying lovely birds in the sky. Both sides of the road are high and big, but the exhaust of these cars pollute the environment, and our air quality is getting worse and worse. I want to change these ordinary things in my future!

I'm going to invent a car that doesn't have tail gas, so we can breathe fresh air. If some people don't want to drive a car, I'll invent a flying shoe that allows people to wear it and fly to where they want to go.

I would build a house made of chocolate, where children would happily live in it every day, and if they moved, they would eat a big chocolate.

And then I'm going to grow a seed that, after planting, can produce a fruit that can cure those incurable diseases. Keep them away from pain.

If I landed on the moon, I would grow a lot of soilless fruit / vegetables, beautiful flowers and trees on the moon. Keep a variety of animals, build some shopping malls / hospitals / residential buildings, let those who have no place to live there, so that we will not be so crowded the earth.

And I will put my Ruhe road built a high-tech primary school primary school, at the gate of the school to set up two robots, one for let the students enter the name of the class, it will be responsible for you into the campus, another is responsible for the discipline of the whole students. Then the school playground into underground playground, if the students need physical education, there will be elevators to the students sent to the underground playground. We will have a very complete range of sports facilities, such as basketball court / tennis court / table tennis court / football field, etc.. Let's all be athletes! And then, with a well-equipped laboratory, we started studying new inventions and grew up to be a scientist!

For my dream come true one day earlier, so my task now is to study hard!










The future of me, the future of me in the end what kind of? What kind of profession will you be engaged in? I also have unlimited imagination, the future I may be scientists, I want to invent a kind of clothes, let the elderly wear a waist, not sour legs do not hurt.

In the future, I may be a teacher, I want to teach children Chinese characters, arithmetic, English, art, experience when the teacher's happiness and hard work.

In the future, I may be a designer, I want to design a suit for my father, mother, brother, sister, and participate in the design competition, I believe I will win prizes, design the most beautiful clothes.

In the future I could be an actor, I want to take a lot of movies, I want to be in the limelight, star, there are a lot of fans cheering for me, as I cry.

The future I may be a singer, I want to sing the most beautiful songs, more than those who sing very well, quickly become famous, become the audience's favorite singer.

The future of me, I do not know what will become, what career will be, but I have to become a moral person, noble character, useful people in society. But one thing is invariable: if you want to be a successful person, you must try your best to reach the goal of success.










In the future, the world is changing with each passing day, for example, the fish swim in the clear lake, and the birds fly freely in the blue sky.

Of course, I will certainly change a lot in the future.

The future, when I was a policeman, every day I can drive a car, patrols, can bring the criminals to justice, but also can help people who need help, but I can also catch up with the most advanced glasses tracker to escape the prisoner.

In the future, I became an astronaut, looking out of the window, the charming starry sky in the bright Milky Way galaxy, as if a priceless landscape painting, deeply attracted me. Unconsciously, I've been around the moon for a week. "The report, the mission has been completed, no signs of life on the moon," and I sent messages to the earth. "Okay, hard work."! After that, the people on earth sent back greetings to me. When I got back to earth, those with flowers bowed to me some young pioneers salute to some flowers, and shouted: "welcome! Welcome! Warmly welcome!" Chant, while way for me. All of a sudden, my headset phone rings. I said, "what's the matter for me?"" The other said, "all the new discoveries in the research field, the director of the Institute, makes you go to the Research Institute immediately."". "Oh, I'll be there right now." I said. When I arrived at the Research Institute, and I wanted to see this stuff with my own eyes, suddenly a familiar voice came from me: "get up! Get up and eat!" Mom says. Then I woke up and realized that it was just a dream, but I must study hard now, and this dream will come true. The composition can protect our homes and defend our country I want you to know, what the future occupation as long as for the country as a force is good, so we moved up! Win honour for our motherland.

If, in the future I have is an actor, action scenes, martial arts drama, comedy or dubbing in animated sci-fi. Maybe it's like a famous actor, maybe like Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Stallone, or, like Deng Chao, Sun Jian, maybe one of his own, and that's up to you.

So, "nothing in the world is difficult for a willing heart."."




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