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2023-09-14 04:32:03



作文1: Christmas Eve

The night when Jesus was born, the shepherd who watched the sheep in the wilderness heard a voice from the sky and told them the news of Jesus's birth. According to the Bible, Jesus came to the world to be king of the world, so the angels passed the news to more people through these shepherds.

Later, people imitated the angels, and on the night of Christmas Eve, they spread the news of Jesus's birth. Until today, it evolved into the good news. Although Christmas Eve is a festival for foreigners, we are also excited about this day.

On Christmas Eve, each family places a Christmas tree according to tradition. That night, the family gathered in the living room, surrounded by Christmas trees singing Christmas songs, exchanging gifts, sharing the joys and sorrows of life, expressing their inner blessings and love, and praying for happiness in the coming year. But we live on campus, we can't go home.

We went back to the dormitory, took out the apple, and replaced it with someone else. Our dormitory bless each other, give us some snacks, we before bed, wash the socks on the bed in the morning found in a sock gift, I know who is on, is my head, I also gave him a gift, our dormitory exchange gifts, we are while they were sleeping when it......

We get presents from each other, we all love each other.

作文2: happy writing happy Christmas

I didn't know there was a Christmas before.

Now, I know that Christmas is the day when Santa Claus gives presents to children.

Because there are too many homework exams, because there's too much homework to do, and when I think about Christmas this year, it's December 25th night. I spoke to my mother and said, "Mom, I haven't had Christmas yet."!" Mother said, "Christmas is a foreign festival, which is equivalent to our Spring Festival.". We are nothing but foreigners' festivals, and we celebrate our spring festival!" I said, "but I thought too much about Christmas."! Why can't Santa just give me presents?" Mom eyeball a turn, stooping, smiling at me: "Santa Claus will also distribute the gift to you!" My eyes lit up, staring big eyes, eager to ask: "really?" Where? Where is it?" My mother smiled and said: "as long as you actively to contribute, in a few days, Santa Claus will send you a gift to myself!" Once I heard it, I ran into the study room and ran and said, "I'll write it now."!" My mother was happy again, and I laughed happily.

I want to use my pen to write wonderful words, to invest in happiness, in exchange for Santa Claus sent new year gifts! Yeah!

作文3: meaningful Christmas

When I was a little boy, my father told me stories about Christmas, and it was really a wonderful story! When Christmas came, I will get a nice gift, so I am looking forward to Christmas, more than any other holiday, I still remember when I told them Santa gave me a gift, they always smiled.

Christmas in a year, because I really want to know what Santa Claus looks like, so in the Christmas night secretly sleeping. Deep in the night, I heard someone push the door and know that Santa Claus came to give me a gift. At that time the Santa Claus to go out, I open my eyes to his look, I saw not Santa, but Dad back, he took a flashlight, ready to go out cautiously without any noise. It was not until that moment that I realized that many years of Christmas presents were given by my father and mother, and Santa Claus was just a legend.

This Christmas is coming, I use my weekdays saved money, bought a Christmas hat, Christmas boots, Christmas, ready to put himself into the Christmas of twenty-first Century youth, in this year's Christmas for me as a Christmas gift to mom and dad......

I'm looking forward to Christmas, and I think Christmas will be a very meaningful experience this year.

作文4: a happy day

Today is Christmas, snowflakes flying in the sky, the trees dressed in white, with a white blanket of snow, everywhere.

"Santa Claus" brought many toys for me: aircraft, Barbie, there is a small train...... Santa gave me a gift and smiled and rode away.Saw so many gifts, I was ecstatic. Suddenly, my mother told me, "happiness is something that we need to share."! So I asked Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong to come to my house to play with toys.

Xiao Ming and the red party, they like me are all very excited, Xiaoming toy airplane, I saw he was carrying a plane flying in the sky, while falling to the ground, as if he were a pilot; red play Barbie dolls, to dress up, let her go to other Barbie home. Let them go to the ball, can be lively! I played the little train that Santa Claus gave me, and I let the little train run and let the little train carry people wherever they wanted to go...... We had a great time!

It was really an unforgettable christmas!

作文5: I love Christmas

Heaven is a beautiful Christmas eve. As soon as I finished school, I went home with my classmates.

As soon as I got home, my father told me that today I went to the restaurant outside with my uncle and aunt, and I listened and jumped more happily. But mom hasn't come back yet, so she's going to wait for her mother to go home.

After a while, my mother came home, and I urged my father to take my mother out. Along the way, I saw tonight's pedestrian faces are filled with smiling faces, giving people a detailed, warm feeling. Walking to the entrance of International Building, I felt a warm current. The cold wind outside the glass door pushed the door into the warm spring. The Santa Claus in the mansion waved to us all the time. The green branches of the Christmas tree are covered with thousands of colorful lights. Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, eyes.

As soon as I entered the building, I went straight to the 2 floor. There was a Christmas song in the western restaurant. The songs were melodious and comfortable. On the wall is a picture of an affable Santa claus. Uncle and aunt already arrived, my father and mother walked over, greeted them, and sat down, everyone seems to be a big family.

It wasn't long before the delicious dishes came. At the sight of the delicious duck, I can not control myself, ravenously, I had finished, I have many children and ran in for a while to see the International Building and courteous and accessible Santa, a Christmas tree to see those shining light of a riot of colours is really funny. Extremely.

I love christmas!

作文6: fairy tale Festival Christmas

Nothing is more lively than this festival! The first two or three days, no, the previous week, the store door coincidentally changed into a fruit shop, gift shop.

Many kinds, dazzling, dazzling.

People immersed in romantic joy, but I imagine the "Jesus" kindly appearance, this day, he came from a distant place, the world in this once vast land. This night is called "Christmas Eve", celebrating the arrival of God and the desire for peace.

I don't have the habit of putting socks on the bed, and because there is no chimney in the house, it seems that I haven't received any gifts. I saw a lot of children talking happily about Santa Claus's gifts, such as remote control cars, dolls, and lovely balls...... Happy for them. They said, "I just got up and got a lot of things."! What I dream of, Santa Claus is so mysterious, what does it look like?

I think he must be wearing festive red clothes, black boots, and a hat with a white velvet magician. In the evening, he took all the gifts he had prepared for the children, and he was riding two lovely elk. Jingle bells. Fly into the sky, and then into the small chimney, send their children to their expectations.

The world spreads his footprint, and I'll see it one day! He kindly sat beside my bed and gave me presents and watched me fall asleep.




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