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以我的生日my birthday为题的英语作文

2023-09-20 05:21:08

以我的生日my birthday为题的英语作文

my birthday

My birthday is on 几月几日。i celebrate it every year with my family and my friends。every year,i hold a little birthday party and invite my friends over。 we chat and play a lot of games together。 the best part of it is that i love the birthday cake and the gifts i get from my parents and my friends。 i also get some money on my birthday。i can buy what i want with the money。 i have great fun on my birthdays。 but on the other hand, i also understand that i am 1 year older after each birthday。 and that means i should be more responsible for myself and i should also my self-aware。 i should understand more things and be less ignorant!fianlly, i should be thankful for my parents,i know they have done their best in raising me up。

【以我的生日my birthday为题的英语作文】



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