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2023-09-27 02:08:01


The Sports Activities I Like Best

There're various kinds of sports activities, including ball games like basketball, football, tennis, as well as other activities like swimming and hiking. Among them, I like swimming best.

First of all, swimming keeps me healthy. There's no doubt that people who swim a lot have stronger bodies than those who don't. Swimming contributes to a powerful lung and also reduces the risk of heart attacks. Thanks to swimming, I seldom get sick in the past few years.

Besides, swimming can keep me fit. Having a slim figure is the dream of all girls. Swimming is an effective way to help us lose unnecessary weight. Take me for example, last summer, I kept swimming for 3 days a week; after two months, I've lost 5kg weight!

All in all, swimming not only keeps me healthy, but also provides me a slim figure, Therefore, of all the sports activities I like swimming best.




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