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2023-09-29 05:59:06


The Effect of Decoding the Human Body

The Human Genome Project will revolutionize the detection, prevention and treatment of conditions of certain diseases. Genes help early detection of diseases and fix health problems, not just to predict them. Genetic medicines will be aimed at the causes of disease rather than the symptoms and doctors will start prescribing different treatments for different patients, depending on their genetic profiles. Many potential diseases will be cured before they arise.来源:考试大

But decoding the book of life poses moral dilemmas. It threatens to undermine privacy and bring on genetic discrimination in marriage, insurance and employment. With knowledge of our genetic code, those who have got certain undesirable genes may be discriminated when choosing their spouses. If genetic tests predict mental dullness, short stature or other undesirable traits before babies are born, the society may look down upon children whose parents let them be born , the society may look down upon children whose parents let them be born with those traits. Employers may take your genetic profile before they offer you a job.

In my opinion, the completion of the Human Genome Project is a great breakthrough in human history. It will change the way we live and even the way we think about who we are to prevent genetic discrimination, in insurance and in employment based on genetic tests.




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