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2023-10-08 03:52:01




Today, our whole family went to Qingdao to visit three grandparents and three grandmothers. In Qingdao, I saw the blue and beautiful sea.

From afar, the sea like a blue silk to forging, the boundless sky. The white seagull on the sea, like a white flower, fluttered down from the sky and decorated the sea. The waves washed up on the beach, and the white foam appeared. The waves struck the rocks and became a spray. The bang bang struck the symphony of waves. I walked on the soft beach and left a string of joyful footprints. I grabbed a handful of gold sand, and the sand gleam in the light of the sun. I sat on the chair, listening to the breath of the sea, smelling the smell of the sea, the sun shrouded in me, everything was so quiet and beautiful. The tourists were laughing, some in the play in some barbecue; tents; some frolicking in the sea side; still sitting on the rocks in the fishing, laughter around the sea. I walked into the water, splashing waves fo me, I was intoxicated in the vitality of the scene when I was leaving, I be reluctant to part go out, but to see the sea stands in the majestic edifice, building one by one, they are like a mighty giant. Silently guarding the beautiful sea.

At this time I can not help but exclaim that the sea of Qingdao is a world fairyland.


My hometown is a beautiful seashore city - Qingdao. As we all know, Qingdao is a brilliant green, blue sky city characteristics of Olympic Games, here also held a regatta! Today, I have to praise the beautiful city!

When you come to Qingdao, the first scenic spot to go is Laoshan. Connected to the mountain, "sea color, beautiful. The spring of Laoshan is full of vitality. When you come to the north house of Laoshan, you will find the tall mountains, with a piece of cherry forest. Cherry ripe season, mountain cherry to Laoshan as tiny spots, covered with a layer of beautiful scarf.

As you all know, it is necessary to visit the city of beer in Qingdao. If you happen to catch up with Oktoberfest, then it will be better, because Qingdao's beer and seafood are local specialties. They are delicious, and they are delicious. And the beer festival is also our own festival of Qingdao people, it has its own characteristics, let people forget to return.

In fact, the most important thing to come to Qingdao is to go to the famous Olympic Sailing Center. The tall tower, the blue sea water, the neat environment, the blue sky lining, that is called a charming. The distance of 54 square, music square in the eye hehe. The sea of seagulls is joyful and joyful.

I love my hometown!


In the blue sky, there are a few birds singing happily. Today we come to Qingdao with a comfortable and beautiful mood.

I can only use five words to describe Qingdao: more beautiful scenery! We first came to the golden sand bathing, ready to see the sea in the swimming. Mom, sister, I stand on the same piece of stone to a distance, deep blue sea always brings infinite reverie Jisi to people, people can not help thinking, sometimes waves and waves, particularly beautiful, to make this moment forever, I hasten to shoot down. Stay in a good memory. After that, we changed our swimsuit and went into the water! As the first time I was in the water, I was behind them, and I was afraid of dropping the chain. At first I would not, with the careful guidance of my mother, I gradually became a friend with whom. So I started the swimming race myself and said in my heart, "refueling!" Finally, I beat myself, I am proud!

Sometimes I'm tired, and I'll lie on the beach, bask in the sun, sleep comfortably. Although I was tanned, I was very happy and happy, and I was very satisfied.




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