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2023-10-14 07:21:05


these days most adults seem to think that most teenagers spend all of their time playing video games。 however, when we surveyed 100 students in our school on the topic of video games, we discovered some interesting results。

according to the survey, playing video games was only chosen as the third favorite leisure activity, with 22 votes。 also we can see the time spent on it varies from boys to girls。 most girls spent between 0 and 2 hours one day while one more hour went for boys on average。 it's apparent to show that boys are addicted to it more easily。 finally, as for the students who were interviewed, 47 percent held the view that they spent less time compared with that of last year。

it's a good phenomenon, to some degree, showing that the quality of students' leisure time is improving, though we still need to keep an eye on the future trends。

what do you think of school uniforms have you ever been to a school which did not have a school uniform write and tell us about your experiences and opinions。 send your letters to "chatback" at the city mirror。




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