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2023-10-17 03:50:02


Since I go to middle school, I start to become independent. I am not a little girl anymore, and I can make my own decision. My parents always get used to do everything for me, but I tell them that I can do it myself. Then my parents are very happy. They no longer make every decision for me and they will ask my opinion. I feel being respected and it is so good for me. Growing up means taking the responsibility and being considerate of others. I try not be childish and think in a mature way. Now everybody respects me and they are willing to listen to my idea. This is the happiness of growing up.





如何写好作文 我的春节作文 写秋天的作文 熊猫的作文 作文我的梦想 军训作文 材料作文 关于幸福的作文 关于亲情的作文500字 我想对你说作文400字 以劳动为主题的作文 关于宽容的作文 运动会作文600字 关于大自然的作文 我和我的祖国作文 关于冬天的作文 清洁工作文 状物作文 优秀作文开头 春的作文 感恩父母作文300字 三年级植物作文300字 我的家乡作文200字 六年级第一单元作文 榜样的力量作文 关于雨的作文 写猫的作文 植树作文 作文书 关于爱的作文400字