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2023-11-17 07:46:02




Reading is the filling of the spirit, and is also the acquisition of knowledge.

When I was a little boy, I liked reading, and later, because I did not like reading books, but my mother told me the knowledge and fun of the book, so that I did not stop reading. Later, I read ten books, which made me know some rhetorical devices, such as figurative and rhetorical and rhetorical devices.

Books are spiritual food and a treasure house of knowledge. Do you know Zeng Guofan? He was regarded by the court as "the first minister in the late Qing Dynasty" because he read a lot of books, read thousands of books, and Mao Zedong, also known as a book. Lu Xun, Shu Qingchun, Ba Jin, Bing Xin and others are knowledgeable and read many books.

Read more and learn more. Study hard and make progress every day!






Reading is an indispensable part of our life. This is what I think.

A book is a key to open the door of wisdom. A book is a boat, a sea of knowledge. A book is a ladder that climbs the peak of knowledge. A book is a torch, which can guide the way forward. A book is a torch, which can guide the way forward. A book is a light, which can illuminate the road to the future.

Zhu Xi said, "there are three ways to read. We should read the same way.

To tell the truth, I think reading is a virtue. Reading, making people thinking active, intelligent, reading, reading, open minded, open-minded and open-minded, reading, the eyes long, lofty ideals, reading, into the thought of wings, feelings blooming flower buds.

As the saying goes, "there is no book on a day, and everything is barren." Only those who love to read can achieve great deeds. While we are playing, we should also think about reading.

Only when you really read, will you realize the pleasure and enjoyment of reading. Friend, read a book. Let's make a country that loves reading...








Reading a hundred times, the meaning of its own. Wang Su, the great poet, said. I was greatly inspired by this sentence.

I like dreams. In dreams, there is always something unexpected in reality. Just like a book, every book is as sweet as honey, into the bottom of the heart, always can not help but recollection of the honey like sweet, feel a silk sweet sweet from the heart slowly surging from the heart, the book world, there are always a lot of good words, is calling your heart that a passion for reading.

Every time I write a composition, I have a lot of inspiration in my heart. Like bees and butterflies flying across flowers and flowing through the valleys, how can they not let you fall in love with books? To paint like that in a book and to knit that way. In my mind, I can see that butterflies are weaving fine nets in order to put fruit into the net. They work hard for all day, they are one of our workers.

Lang Lang's sound of reading is better than that of beautiful music, better than the sound of wind and bamboo Xiao Xiao, better than the sound of time passing. Sunshine, sand, and ocean can go to such a place. It can be called a paradise for human beings.

Book, the treasure of man.









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