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高二英语的作文:圣诞节快乐Merry Christmas

2023-11-25 05:15:05

高二英语的作文:圣诞节快乐Merry Christmas

December 25 is Christmas Day, the day is originates in the western country, it is in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, it is record that Jesus saved people out of trouble, he is the son of god, he died of suffering for the purpose of saving people. Jesus is so great, everyone in the western country knows his story. Though Christmas Day belongs to foreign countries, now it has become a worldwide festival. In China, we can find the day is more and more popular, people find the Christmas tree sold in the shop and there are parties to celebrate Christmas Day. On that day, families get together, having dinner, eating turkey and sharing happiness. This is a good chance for people to get reunion, this is the most important day for western people, just like Chinese New Year.


【高二英语的作文:圣诞节快乐Merry Christmas】



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