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2023-11-26 06:37:03


1、Whereas other societies look to the past for guidance,we cast our nets forward

2、It is the belief in a brighter future that gives us optimism.

3、Even these days,when not all progress seems positive ,the belief remains that for every problem there is a rational solution.

4、The job of the parents is to give the children every opportunity while they are growing up and then get out of their way.

5、What deference people in authority do command is based on their actual powers rather than on their age,wisdom,or dignity.

6、In a society that changes as fast as ours,experience simply does not have the value that it does in traditional societies.

7、It has taken a long time to convince the public that free enterprise does not mean that a company should be free to pollute the air,foul the rivers,and destroy the forests.

8、The assembly line reduced workers to cogs of machinery and made their jobs unutterably boring,but it produced goods fast.

9、Food is prepackaged and shopping is impersonal,but the efficiency of the operation produces lower prices and less shopping time.




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