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An Unforgettable Experience初三500字优秀作

2023-11-28 03:44:06

An Unforgettable Experience初三500字优秀作文

An Unforgettable Experience

Last weekend, I walked to the school for an English competition. On my way to school, I saw an old lady lying on the ground, crying. There were many people around her. I went to her and found that she was bleeding, I was sure that she was very dangerous at that time, but nobody gave her a hand.

copyright dedecms

I had to make a decision: should I go to take the competition or help the waman in need. In fact it was hard for me because I could win the trust of my teachers and parents again if I got a satisfatory result. Last week, my teacher said I cheated in the English exam, but I didn t do it. In the other hand, the woman would die if nobody helped her.

At last, I decided to help her.I sent her to the hospital and tried to keep in touch with her family members.They all thanked me. dedecms.com

When I got to school, I was too late for the exam. Fortunate, our English teacher allowed me to take the competition alone and praised me. I was very surprised. Later I knew that the husband of the woman had called my teacher and told him the trueth. Of course I got a high scores in the exam.

【An Unforgettable Experience初三500字优秀作文】



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