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2024-03-22 07:20:31

Choosing elective courses has always been a debate among students and educators. Some argue that taking elective courses is essential for a well-rounded education, while others believe that they are a distraction from core subjects. In this essay, we will delve into the necessity of taking elective courses, exploring the benefits and drawbacks. By examining the impact of elective courses on students" academic performance, career prospects, and personal development, we aim to provide a comprehensive perspective on this issue. Through critical analysis and real-life examples, we will assess whether the time and effort invested in elective courses truly contribute to a student"s overall educational experience. This essay will serve as a guide for students and educators to make informed decisions about the value of elective courses in the academic curriculum.


大多数人赞成 一些人反对

学生可以学到生活基本技能; 会增加学生的负担



注意:1. 不必逐条翻译,可进行适当发挥; 2. 参考词汇:凳子stool

One possible version:

It is reported in China Youth Daily that senior students in Zhejiang Province must take a new course from this new term on, in which they will learn some practical skills, such as fixing toilets, making stools and changing light bulbs.

Most people think it is necessary to have such a course. They believe that students can not only learn some basic living skills but also enjoy the pleasure of labor and the happiness of success.What’s more, it will help develop students’ creativity.

On the other hand, some people are concerned about it. They think that this course will be a new burden to fall on students.

In my opinion, students will benefit from such a practical course and they will acquire more knowledge in an interesting way.

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  1. 2024-04-01 07:20wangyue[浙江省网友]IP:3407785275
  2. 2024-03-27 07:20湖颖鸿云[澳门网友]IP:1731775215


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