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The Spring Festival Tradition 春节见闻 - 英语作文

2024-03-27 15:03:12

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is one of the most important and widely celebrated traditional festivals in China. It is a time when people gather with family and friends to usher in the new year and celebrate the coming of spring. This festival is steeped in ancient customs and rituals, including the iconic lion and dragon dances, fireworks, elaborate feasts, and the giving of red envelopes filled with money to children and unmarried adults. In this English essay "The Spring Festival Tradition春节见闻", we will explore the various customs and traditions associated with this festive occasion, offering insights into the cultural significance of the festival and its enduring importance in Chinese society. From the bustling atmosphere of the traditional temple fairs to the colorful displays of lanterns and decorations adorning homes and streets, this essay will provide a vivid portrayal of the sights, sounds, and sentiments of the Spring Festival, allowing readers to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for this beloved celebration.

It"s New Year again. In this holiday, sharing is the hottest activity. People share their lives and discuss hot topic in social lives. Besides, there are many traditions during the Spring Holiday. For example, in the north, people will eat dumplings in the New Year"s Day while in the south people will make Zongzi. Firecrackers and fireworks are essential during the New Year. Now, people live a much better life than before, so people want to have a lively and grand festival. Some are likely to travel while some stay at home and take part in various activities to enrich their holiday.


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