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Which would you give up : TV cell or web?_你会放弃电视 细胞还是网络英语作

2019-12-13 12:45:01

Which would you give up : TV , cell or web?_你会放弃电视,细胞还是网络英语作文120字

We are now living in an information age , in which TV , cells and the web are widely used . It seems that many people can not enjoy themselves with them .

However , if I had to give up one of them , I would turn off TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the internet . I could do without TV because few TV shows can take my fancy and there’re too many commercials . Besides , most programs on TV are also available elsewhere .

As for cells and the web , they are more necessary to me . I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family , and almost all information can be gathered on the internet .



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