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2019-12-14 21:00:01

It's Sunday today. I've finished all my homework. I don't have any spare time. I must read a book.

Looking through the crowded bookshelves, I finally found a good book, "Harry Potter and the magic stone". The author of the book is the British woman writer J.K Rowling. This book is the one year old Harry lost parents, foster uncle aunt. Harry in the home of Uncle suffered bullying, as well as their "Dudley -- a fiend in human shape a fat," spoiled, bullying big man, but also on the cuff and kick Harry. Harry's room is in a dark narrow cupboard, since ten years, Harry spent all day in there. No one has ever had a birthday for Harry for ten years. However, in Harry's eleven birthday that day, everything changed, the owl messenger brought a mysterious letter, invited him to a meeting he felt forever unforgettable and unbelievable place: Hogwarts School of magic. At Hogwarts, Harry not only found friends, learned to fly in the air, riding a model for the nimbus 2000 broom hit Earth Quebec and win the game, but also get a cloak. He found everything there, from class to meal to sleep, full of magic. But a magic stone appeared, and he was closely related to the fate of Harry...

Read this book, I want to make an extraordinary life, eager to dream round outstanding figures. The strength of friendship, the battle between justice and evil, and the courage to fight against fate are all thrilling in the book. Do you want to know what's going on? Turn over the book and see it carefully.

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