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The beauty of life_生活的美好英语六级作文300字

2019-12-18 15:00:01

The beauty of life_生活的美好英语六级作文300字

Beauty is everywhere in life. Beauty in the colorful nature, people and the nature harmonious beauty, have a family warm sweet beauty, the love in the society to help us...

Beauty is everywhere in life. One year, my family and I came to Beijing to visit. We boarded the Great Wall, I saw a few thousand years ago qin shi huang led soldiers and working people to build the Great Wall of scenarios. If no qin shi huang, how do we see this magnificent feat? On the Great Wall, I saw the Chinese great rivers, also saw the bright future of China. This beautiful scenery make my family all linger!

Beauty is everywhere in life. On one occasion, my sister took me to chessboard hill, when looking down on the top of the mountain, so high! When you see the big board when I was very surprised, so big pieces, and the bigger board. I touched the stone carving, so delicate, so beautiful. The ancients is so smart! Unexpectedly know the exquisite carving art, also know playing chess. The beauty to perfection.

Beauty is everywhere in life. When the New Year, the family sat in front of a table with, set up a family reunion dinner with. The family together on the couch watching the Spring Festival gala. The warmth of family happy together, not is the sweetness of life simple didn't?

Beauty is everywhere in life. Beauty in the colorful nature, people and the nature harmonious beauty, have a family warm sweet beauty, the love in the society to help us... Beauty is everywhere in life, let us make this beauty in the life around you forever!



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