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2019-12-22 23:45:01

There are many famous stars around the world, For example Fan Bingbing from China,Lady Gaga fromAmerica, INFINITE fromKoreaand so on, Do you know them and Do you like them?

I like them very much.

I think star-worshiping has advantages and disadvantages.

Sometimes star-worshiping has advantages,For example, we can listen their songs to relax our mind , and we can learn to never give up spirit from them.

But star-worshiping sometimes has disadvantages.

For example, someone spends lots of money buying their idol’s photos and special ,and go to concert ,even sell kidney to go to their idol’s country ,even more crazy thing is their idol fans also followed ,he drugs they take drugs, their fans called rice bean with love.

I think it is crazy ,it’s desperate!

I think we shouldn’t worship them blindly.we can’t spend too much time about star-worshiping.

What do you think of star-worshiping,can you tell me ?



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