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Star and Dream_初二英语作文大全

2019-12-22 23:45:01

For me, I am a standard idolater, but I am different .In the process of chasing my idol, and also to pursue my dream. There are two ways for the idolater to make track for a star. One is the rational star chaser who knows how to learn the strong point from the star. Another one just follows blindly, doesn’t know how to control himself.

There are a lot of fans in our class, but they only like the idol’s appearance, for me the most important things are the character and advantage of idols. Usually the idol's words and deeds will bring profound influence to the fans. Even some people know their own idols do illegal things but they will also follow their idols’ action. Furthermore some stars died in accidents, their fans even to give up their own lives. In my opinion, the idols do not need to have a good appearance, what they need is to have the positive energy.

TFBOYS is my favourite idol. Three of them are sunshine boys full of energy; they are not only good at singing and dancing, but also studying well. They are very friendly, not only treat elders very politely, but also love their fans very much. Because of their generous personality and also study well, their positive energy is in my mind to encourage me. They a good example of me in my life. They work and study very hard, moreover they are very strong, they will not stop moving on even though they are in trouble, and never give up their dreams. Because they believe dreams will come true after great efforts. Their songs are very young and meaningful to make me refresh and carry on my dream.

The most important thing is you have to learn from the advantages of idols. Can not blindly worship them, also not to be in addicted to idols. The idol only can be used as reference, you are the one who can grasp the right direction for yourself.The rational idolaters know how to cherish the time, will not interfere their mind when they chase stars.

On the contrary, it will divert their mind in study and work, it’s a waste of time. So, let’s be a rational idolater which can make us have positive energy and close to our dream.



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