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初三英语作文650字:A Healthy Lifestyle

2019-12-29 21:00:01

初三英语作文650字:A Healthy Lifestyle

For everybody, it’s important to keep healthy. But some people don’t know how to do it.

First, you must get up earyly, then you should do sports for one hour, but you must remember not to get up too early.

Second, you should eat vegetables and fruit every day, and you can’t eat junk food, such as French fries, hamburgers. Water is also important, so you must drink a large of glass water in the morning . I think it’s very healthy.

Third, you shouldn’t watch TV and play computer games more than twice a week, watching TV and playing computer too much is bad for your eyes, and you can go for a walk with your family after dinner.

We can’t forget the importantce of health, because it’s important for us.



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