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初三英语作文400字:Learn from Lei Feng

2019-12-29 22:00:01

初三英语作文400字:Learn from Lei Feng

This year, people across China carried out a variety of activities to learn from Lei Feng. I know Lei Feng was happy to help other people. H e always did his best to help them. It’s very good for us to learn from Lei Feng. However we can do a lot of small things to help keep the school clean. Picking up the rubbish on the floor is easy. We also should try our best to help the classmates as much as possible. I think to be a good person is easy and happy.



关于摘桃子的作文 描写春天的景物作文 美就在我身边作文300字 写鹦鹉的作文400字 美丽的老君山作文 参观自来水厂作文 有关网红的作文 三年级作文假如我 梦想的作文开头 被美术老师打屁股作文 生命的故事作文600字 关于早餐的作文 蚂蚁作文600字 学校里的酸作文 我收获了友谊作文 厉害了我的国优秀作文 别了半命题作文 安徒生快乐作文 那一双什么的眼睛作文 写春天的作文200字 英语邮件作文格式 泰山游记作文800字 国庆日记作文 发生矛盾的作文 描写草的作文 语言文明作文 读书让我成长作文600字 第一次坐飞机作文600字 写酸菜鱼的作文 关于欢庆元旦的作文