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Make yourself strong_让自己强大英语作文200字

2019-12-29 20:00:02

Success can't be expected to be opportunistic, the only way to succeed is to make yourself strong. Just like a story, a tiger chased two people, one of them tried to run, and the other man asked him, "why do you run like a tiger when you can't run?" The man replied, "I can't run a tiger, but I can just run faster than you." Only if you make yourself stronger than your opponent, can you not be eliminated. Success can't be expected to be opportunistic, the only way to succeed is to make yourself strong. Just like a story, a tiger chased two people, one of them tried to run, and the other man asked him, "why do you run like a tiger when you can't run?" The man replied, "I can't run a tiger, but I can just run faster than you." Only if you make yourself stronger than your opponent, can you not be eliminated.




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