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Stephen William Hawking_斯蒂芬威廉霍金英语作文500字

2020-01-01 06:00:01

The universe, in the eyes of people, is mysterious. Because it is so broad that no matter how hard people try to explore and reason, it is just unwarranted imagination. Since ancient times, there is another one, a group of a group of brilliant scientists will lifetime into this great proposition. Among the scientists, one of the most brilliant stars came to the fore. He is: Stephen William Hawking.

Hawking, who is known as the king of the universe, suffers from Lou Garrel's disease that causes muscle atrophy at the age of 21. Soon it was completely paralyzed. In 1985, he had a trachea surgery for pneumonia, and he could never speak again. The doctor had diagnosed Hocking for only two years. But he has been alive for more than 40 years. Moreover, he is found in the black hole evaporation of the universally recognized difficult, inferred from the big bang of the black hole, become the dean of astrophysics...... It was selected as the youngest member of the Royal Society of England, and became a professor of Lukason's math lecture only to be a scientist like Newton. Not only that, he did not think that fate had made him lose too much. On the contrary, he thought he should be happy for everything he had.

He Shen Canzhi no residue. At the age of 21, he was unfortunate to suffer from Lou Garrel's disease that could cause muscle atrophy. He was confined to a wheelchair and only three fingers could move. But he is still lively and moving, which sounds a bit ridiculous. He cannot after the event, he used only a movable finger driven wheelchair "on the road to the office of the rampage, when he met with Prince Charles, by rotating the wheelchair to show off the results of Prince Charles, Prince Charles rolled into the toes.

Hocking is worth a lot of our learning. Among them, what I admire most is his brave and tenacious strength of personality and the spirit of optimism and face to fate. Because if he is not brave and tenacious, he is not optimistic, and does not face the fate, then he has no courage to live, which is the scientific achievement? Even if he would be unsuccessful, drag out an ignoble existence, and eventually dies, will not have such a great achievement. It may even be said that the greatest cause of his success is the brave and tenacious power of personality and the spirit of optimism and fate.

Hocking is your idol in my heart, there can not be occupied position, you are a lamp for me, always guide me towards the road of success, you are a drop of my seedlings, give me grow energy, you are my cold in a cup of hot tea, continue to give me life the. Hocking, you never change the position of my heart, it is so lofty, so strong.




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