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My Favourite Film_我最喜欢的电影初中生英语作文150字

2020-01-02 03:30:01

My Favourite Film_我最喜欢的电影初中生英语作文150字

As we know, there are dozens of films in our life, and different people like different films.

As for me, my favourite film is Get Away, it happened in Los Angeles and it tells us a story of drag racing:

Magna used to be a racing driver, he was better than any other racing driver in Los Angeles. But he had a serious accident 3 years ago, and hurt his left leg, so he must stopped racing.

One day, there baddies caught his wife and made him finished some difficult missions about drag racing.

In the end, magna finished all missions, and rescued his wife from the baddies.

I like this movie very much because it canlet me feel I as if in the scene .And film tells us a “Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.”

As a matter of fact, it’s a very good film.




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