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My Favourite Story_初中生英语读后感作文

2020-01-02 07:15:01

My Favourite Story_初中生英语读后感作文

I love reading and I have lots of story books. And my favourite story is “The Wolves are coming”, because the story is very interesting and thought-provoking.

It tells us a story about a shepherd boy, sheep and wolves:

Once upon a time, there was a big field and many people live in here. The hero of the story----the shepherd boy was one of them and his work was graze sheep.

One day, the shepherd boy felt very bored, so he wanted to found some ideas to make himself happy. Very soon, he thought of an interesting idea----tell a lie to people. So he ran to the village quickly and shouted “Help! The wolves is coming!” at the farmers. All the farmers believed the boy’s words. Thus, they ran to the field quickly, but there wasn’t any wolf----the shepherd boy told a lie to them. All the farmers were angry and returned to village. But the boy felt very happy. As the boy lied again and again, people lost faith in him.

A few days later, there was a black wolf came to the field. So the boy ran to the village very fast and shouted for help. Although there really was a wolf in the glasses, the farmers weren’t believed him at all.

So the boy had to protect his sheep without any farmer’s help. In the end, the boy and all of his sheep died.

This story tells us: don’t lie to people and to be an honest person! This truth is worthy of our life, so remember it and do it!




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