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Hang in there don't give up!_坚持 不要放弃英语作文150字

2020-01-09 11:15:01

I've heard a story: once upon a time there were two water trapped in the traveler in the desert, there is a person holding the hope to find water, he gave the other a pistol, told him: "you every hour have a shot toward the sky, so I won't get lost. There are only five bullets in it." The man waited for a long time, became more and more frightened, lost the strength to persevere, and finally killed himself with a fifth bullet. I don't think we should give up so easily that we can succeed. There is a saying that is very true, "perseverance is victory", giving up is cowardly, not trying without knowing the result, and doomed to nothing. Choose to insist, life will be more meaningful, life will be more wonderful, even if it hurts, we must insist, don't leave regret.




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