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mobile phone_手机作文250字

2020-01-09 12:00:01

Recently,short messages become more and more popular with both the young and the old.People accept the convenient way of communication and some even cannot live without them.

As to the reasons why so many people are in favour of the short messages,in my opinion,there're three points.First, it can save time if you want to inform your friends of something in one or two words by sending a short message.By comparison with letters or email,short messages are really more quick for others to receive you as the mobile phones are always with them.Second,short messages cost less than making a phone call.Third,people who are not very familiar with each other can chat by short messages more easily,through which more and more people can know of others and become friends.

However,nothing that is perfect exists in the world.Short messages also have some disadvantages with them.Some people cheat or fool others by telling them that they have won some prizes through short messages.Also,taking advantage of people's ignorance,some websites charge a good deal of expenses from short messages.

Above all,short message is product of the hitech nowadays.It will serve us very well if we make proper and full use of it.







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