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About Me_这就是我英语作文200字

2020-01-12 09:30:02

I'm a middle school student. My name is ***. I am fifteen years old. I'm going to have a very big and important exam in June, which will be a turning point in my life. Although my school work is very busy, I still spend some free time listening to the music. It makes me feel relaxed. I don't have many hobbies, but I can play the piano pretty well. When I feel sad or lonely, I am going to play a little piece of music.

My grade is just so so, but I'm not worried. My parents always say that I'm lazy. Actually I just like to live in my own way. On the weeekends, I usually sleep until ten o'clock. As a girl in this age, I love shopping and pay more attention to my dresses. I even can go outside and play a whole day and don't feel tired.

I do not only like sleeping but also like eating. Hot and spicy food is my favourite, so I often get pimples.

That's me, not smart, but kind, not beautiful, but outgoing. I enjoy my original lifestyle.







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