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The Advantages of Owing More Children_多小孩的好处作文200字

2020-01-12 21:00:01

Many years ago, there were so many population in China, in order to control the fast increasing number of the population, the government carried out the family plan, every family was admitted to have one child. Now the policy has changed, people can have one more child, this will bring positive change for a family.


Having one more child can foster the children with the quality of patience and independence. The parents are easy to pay all their attention to the only child, so they will spoil the child naturally. But having two children can deviate the parents’ attention, so the children will not be spoiled, they grow up with each other, in the long run, they will become more patient and independent, because they need to take care of each other.


There also will be more fun in the family. Seeing the children playing with each other, the parents will be happy, they have a happy family, it brings them comfort in the hard work and strengthens the relationship. The advantages of owning more children are so obvious, thus many people choose to own one more child.




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