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The person who has influenced me most_对我影响最大的人英语作文150字

2020-01-16 15:15:01

My uncle is in his forties and works in a local hospital. I always thought it was a normal job. It was not until I learned more about him that I found something unusual about him.

He works very carefully. He always said, "As a doctor, you must be careful." He never mind doing extra work and is patient with patients. He is helpful and often cares for lonely old people. On one occasion, a sick grandmother was sent to the hospital, but she had no family members. When my uncle knew it, he paid her medical expenses and carefully took care of her, which made her very moved. Not only that, my uncle also teaches other interns well and shares his experience with them generously.

After that, I realized that my uncle had a heart full of love, and I decided to take him as my model and learn from him.




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