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2015海淀一模作文 The person who changed me

2020-10-31 21:00:01

Hi! Emily,

I’m glad to hear from you. In fact, the person who has changed me is my father. He is not a teacher, but he taught me a lot of life lessons.

In the past, I always wanted to give up when the things was difficult for me to finish until the day my father took me to the Great Wall. Actually, I was too tired to climb to the top of the Great Wall. So I just wanted to give up in the halfway. But my father encouraged me that a few difficulties were not supposed to discourage us. He said, “If you get to the top, you will be amazed at how beautiful the view will be.” It was the silent support and encouragement that made me overcome many difficulties. Finally, I managed to get to the top and saw the beautiful sceneries that I had never seen before, just like what my dad said to me. From then on, I started to try my best to keep on doing anything instead of giving it up in the halfway. It was my father who made me know the value of keeping trying, so that I could face the difficulties and fight against courageously.

From the change, I have learnt that if you keep doing one thing, you will certainly be successful and you will get a lot of things that you can’t imagine.


Hi! Emily,

I’m glad to hear from you. Everyone has been changed by others more or less或多或少. I am no exception. The person who changed me is my PE teacher.

My score on PE was not very good at first although I spent lots of time on it. So I was in great depression and almost wanted to give up and avoided facing it. But my problem was noticed by my PE teacher Miss Liu, who offered to help me deal with it later. From then on, she often directed me with my performance and taught me how to continue patiently. What’s more, she told me to face the difficulties courageously and try my best to overcome them instead of escaping reality. Thanks to her direction and help, I got full marks in the final exam. What she had told me always reminds me of keeping trying my best and inspires me to cheer up no matter how difficult the problem is.

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