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The Young Generation Seeks For Chinese Dream_年轻一代追求中国梦英语作文

2020-01-23 05:45:01

Many years ago, Chinese was poor than any other countries. And schools' education were also backward, only some of the children of big families can go to school, so most children can not got a good education.

But now Chinese economy and technology were developed so fast in the last decades. More and more people can get their ideal college's offer and find a good job by working hard. And now many foreigners come to China to achieve their dreams. Because China can provide them more changes. Many foreigners are learning Chinese , Chinese is the second language in the world.

I believe that China will be stronger in the future because of the efforts of the new generation of young people. I am personally proud of being Chinese. And I am sure that the future is bright for the young generation.



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