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关于鸽子树作文 我心中的鸽子树作文

2020-04-23 17:51:07

关于鸽子树作文, 我心中的鸽子树作文

Kitagawa dove tree

A Yellow Ribbon

Heavens to also hand

My heart forever love

Give me your hand

To give you my love

Give me your long-lost smile

Everything to start from scratch. . . . . .

------- Taken from the song "" The dove tree Beichuan ""

Look to your body tall and straight green

It now is a force not easily yield to

You are a lonely place where the earth stands alone

A strong defender of the foot places the land

Kitagawa dove tree ah

Shanbengdelie failed to break the root of your

You watch the plot of land ah

Have lost their former vigor and vitality

Hill left after the shake to fall

A dead silence


Stand the ruins

Chao overlooking distant

Is clearly seen

Kitagawa dove tree is still the same as in years past shine

I found

On the tree, "pigeon" in wings ah. . . . . .



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