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2020-05-18 13:09:01

初中英语作文范文题目及范文哪里有?哪儿有初中英语满分作文范文?下面是小编给大家总结的初中英语作文范文,大家可以参考。英语作文题目一:一次事故作文题目:请根据以下提示写一篇不少于60单词的文章。An Accident1 四个孩子刚出校门回家2 一卡车经过,车速较快,掉下几只西瓜3 一骑车人倒下,身边有血4 孩子们有的打110,有的打120,有的保护现场5 他们向警察陈述经过,救护车把伤者送医院参考作文Last Thursday afternoon, four students were on their way back home.上周四下午,四个学生正在他们放学回家的路上。Suddenly they saw a truck coming round the corner at a high speed and some watermelons fell off. At the same time, a middle aged man on a bicycle fell to the ground. Blood came from his body.突然,他们看到一辆卡车从拐角处快速地开过来,几个西瓜从上面掉下来。同时,一个骑车的中年男子摔倒在地,身上流血。One of them called the policeman, one dailed 120. And the others were taking care of the cyclist. Soon the police came and they reported what they had seen and an ambulance took the cyclist to the hospital soon.他们当中其中一人拨打电话报警,另外一人打120,剩下的两人则照顾伤者。不一会儿,警察来了,他们向警察报告了事情的经过,然后救护车把伤者送进了医院。英语作文题目二:Weekends作文题目:周末两天的休息对于平时忙于工作学习的人们来说是非常宝贵的。请你根据下列提纲写一篇短文。周末对于人们来说意味着什么。每个人都有自己度周末的方式。我是怎样度周末的。参考作文 Weekends Weekends to people mean that they can have a two day good rest. For example, people can go out to enjoy themselves or get together with relatives and friends to talk with each other or watch interesting video tapes with the whole family. Everyone spends weekends in his own way. Within two days, some people can relax themselves by listening to music, reading novels, or watching films. Others perhaps are more active by playing basketball, wimming or dancing. Different people have different relaxations. I often spend weekends with my family or my friends. Sometimes my parents take me on a visit to their old friends. Sometimes I go to the library to study or borrow some books to gain much knowledge. I also go to see various exhibition to broaden my vision. An excursion to seashore or mountain resorts is my favorite way of spending weekends. Weekends are always enjoyable for me.英语作文题目三:我喜欢运动 作文题目:请以“I love sports ”为题写一篇作文,60字左右。写出喜欢体育运动的理由参考作文 I like sport not only because it can help me to keep health, but also because it makes me relaxed. Study all day long makes me tired so that I often do sports with my classmates after class. We play basketball most, and sometimes play table tennis or badminton. In addition, I like running, especially when I’m upset, for I think it’s the best way to let the depression off. 我喜欢运动不只是因为它能帮助我保持健康,而且能使我放松。一整天的学习让我感觉很累,所以放学后我经常和我同学去做运动。我们玩得最多的是篮球,有时候也打网球或羽毛球。另外,我喜欢跑步,特别是我郁闷的时候,因为我认为这是赶走沮丧最好的方法。



过端午节作文200字 我心中的诚信作文600字 端午节英语作文50词 心得体会600字作文 小学生春游作文怎么写 五一放假作文350字 相约好时节作文800字 童年小伙伴600字作文 教师节写老师的作文 生活中的矛盾作文600字 在考验中成长作文600字 描写小白兔外貌的作文 介绍我自己的作文300字 致未来的自己作文600字 谁动了我的奶酪材料作文 从失败到成功作文600字 话说洋车夫作文300字 花季里的阳光作文500字 高中英语小作文范文 妈妈您辛苦了作文800字 我的家风家训作文800字 我们该记住的作文600字 父爱的天空作文800字 环保从我做起作文600字 做小实验的作文400字 那一束光作文 我的五一作文100字 新时代新青年作文 快乐五一三百字作文 其实我还没长大作文