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求一篇用对比手法写的英语作文 150字 内容是 高中和大学生活学习的对比.不要整篇COPY

2020-06-01 13:54:01

In high school , we are busy all day with our study, we have many courses and a lot of work awaiting us to complete . Learning follow an order , keep studing every day ,we have many tasks . We are always imaging the campus life, we lose our freedom becauese all of us want to go to better universitise.So we should did our best to study.But in univercity , it is different ,I can have more time not only for study but also for many things .we have a lot of discretionary leisure time and we becomes independent. In spare time, we can take a variety of colorful activities and have more leisure time to increase our knowledges.



关于国歌的作文 初三语文作文800字 花作文500字 青岛景色作文 使我快乐的一件事作文 成功的作文400字 一次难忘的家长会作文 关于母爱的作文300 有关选择的作文素材 二年级短作文 中考英语作文多少分 鼓浪屿的作文300字 春天写景作文 初一期中考试语文作文 关于旅游的作文800字 诚信伴我成长作文400字 读水浒传有感600字作文 台儿庄古城作文300字 描写布达拉宫的作文 小事不小作文开头 保护环境的作文四百字 全国卷二语文作文 干农活作文400字 再给我一次机会作文 回味的作文 我的家风作文500字 我的学校作文700字 五年级作文漫画老师 绿水青山图作文 闲作文