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My Gardening Story – My Parents – Aussie Green Thumb – Top Gardening Tips For Everyday People

2020-06-13 17:36:01

So far in my gardening story I have told you how both my grandmas have influenced my developing green thumb. They both have had various influences on me, but another major way that they have helped develop my green thumb was by being the parents to my parents! Without my parents helping me and encouraging my green thumb development I definitely would not be where I am today.

Here are links to all other topics covered in the My Gardening Story series:

From a very early age I have spent time in the garden with Mum and Dad. From growing veggies to growing various annual and perennial plants, my parents have always been active in the garden and have encouraged me to help them if you can call it that! from time to time. I particularly remember helping set up the new garden beds after we bought a house in Albany. I d help Dad move old rail sleepers that he was laying as a border. I d help mum pull weeds out of the pre existing garden beds. It was always very exciting to be with them out in the garden, doing something that we all loved together.

It seems that my parents have very much taken after their own parents. In recent years they sold the family home and have gone back into the life of renting. Though they haven t lived in a plethora of places like my Grandma Tysoe has, the ones they have lived in have been left with significantly better gardens even after only a short period of time. Where they live currently is truly a testament to their green thumb. The soil at the house they are living in is pretty much the whitest soil I have seen. Now, a GENERAL rule is that the darker the soil, the healthier it is. That gives you an idea about the health of the soil at their place. And yet in about a year, by adding lots of organic matter, fertiliser and mulch they have transformed the garden into a beautiful little cottage garden with all kinds of annual and perennial plants. They have also planted a number of roses which are thriving.

I have been very blessed to have been surrounded by people such as my parents in my developing years. The passion, love, and joy that they experience in the garden has been well and truly passed on to me. They regularly update me on the state of their garden and, whenever I go down to Albany to visit, I get the full tour and history for each of the plants that have gone in since I last visited. I very much enjoy these times because they remind me of the quality time that I have spent with my parents over the years in the garden. Thanks Mum and Dad!



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