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感谢父母Thanks for my parents

2020-09-08 16:06:01

感谢父母Thanks for my parents When I was a child ,you tought me how to speak ,how to learn ,and most important you tought me how to be a human heing .now I cant find any proper word to appreciate your bringing me up .your love is always so strong ,so powerful .When I do something right or wrong ,your voice is arround me. You tought me how to respect others and how to hononr myself .Dad ,you have told me everyone on the earth is equal .love everything you come upon at heart. I think when I have my own child ,I will follow your way to teach it .Make it a good character .Dont worry me so much though I know Im only a child in your eyes .but Im grown up. Finaly ,let me say love you again. Your dear son



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