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2020-07-03 17:21:01

雅思备考的过程中,要想写作取得优势,多阅读一些范文是十分有必要的,新东方网特为大家收集整理了雅思G类小作文书信范文:请求信。更多雅思报名官网的最新消息,最新、最专业的雅思备考资料,新东方网将第一时间为大家发布。下面一起来学习一下吧! You have lost your credit card. Write a letter to the bank manager, explain where and how you lost it and any other relevantdetails. Ask the manager to cancel the old card and send you a replacement one.请求信 Dear Sir, I am writing to confirmthe loss of my credit card. I telephoned your office earlier today. 亲爱的先生: 我写信的目的是确认我丢失的一张信用卡。我今天早些时候曾致电您的办公室。 The details of my card are as follows. It is a Master card in the name of Kenny Gao. The credit card number is 3241 3578 6688. I have had it since 1999. This card is valid from 1999 to 2008. 我那张卡的细节如下:这是一张万事达卡,户名是Kenny Gao,号码是3241 3578 6688,我从1999年到现在一直在用着它,其有效期是1999 2008。 I lost the card yesterday September 8, 2006 at about 10:30 in the morning. The only time I used the card that day was to buy a pair of sports shoes at Carrifour on Jinqiao Road. By accident, I left the card at the cashier’s, but the shop assistants there could not find the card. 我是昨天2006年9月8日早上十点半左右丢失它的。我当天唯一用卡的时间是在金桥路上的加乐福购买一双运动鞋时。无意间,我将卡留在了付款台上了,但店里的服务人员没能找到它。 Could you please cancel my card immediately and make the necessary arrangementsto issue me with a replacement card? I can be contacted at the following address: Room 201, No. 32, 555 Lane, Huashan Road. Should you ever wish to call me, here is my number: 123456789. 您能否马上将该卡取消掉,并做必要的安排给我办理一张新卡?按以下地址可以联系到我:华山路555弄,32号201室。如果您想给我打电话,这是号码:123456789。 Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you. 谢谢您的协助,期盼收到您的答复。 Yours faithfully, Kenny Gao 您真诚的 Kenny Gao 以上是新东方网给大家带来的雅思G类小作文书信范文:请求信,希望能够对大家有所帮助。希望大家认真积极的备考,早日取得优异的成绩,更多精彩,欢迎随时关注新东方网! 编辑推荐: 更多内容请关注,也可关注我们的微信公众号(ieltsxdf)或加QQ群168861834。 (兼职编辑:sunshuqing)

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