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2020-07-18 17:18:02

Writing based on a caricature Example : 审题 结构Structure: 要点 Key points Part 1: Description of the pictures A possible version: As is described in the pictures, a little girl fell down on the floor. A boy attempted to help her when his mum stopped him, saying “Don’t help her or others would believe it’s you who knocked her down.” Then one day, the mum was surprised to find that the boy ignored the fallen oil bottle on the floor. The boy said “I can’t help with that or you would believe it’s me who knocked it down.” Children are born with a caring heart and they find it natural to help people in need. When parents stop the children from helping others so as to avoid trouble, they are setting them a bad example. Therefore, parents will one day be shocked to find the children to be cold and selfish. Personally, I think parents should teach their children to care for others and help others.Thus they learn to shoulder responsibility. 审题Analyze the topic Express the correct meaning. Cover all the key points. Part 2: Interpretation of the pictures Discussion: Group work What do the three ways refer to? Hardware: Software: Underwear: 联系生活,合理想象 Part 2: Interpretation of the pictures Key points: Step 3:连词成句 Organize sentences with the help of the key points. Step 4:连句成文 Link the sentences together into a passage with linking words/phrases. Writing practice: Each group write a paragraph on one part. A possible version: As is described in the picture, the monitor of a computer is wearing underwear. An expert is giving advice to the worried parent, saying“There are three ways to make the internet safer for your children hardware, software, and underwear.” Worried about their children’s safety on the Internet, some parents cut off access to the internet the hardware solution. Some parents turn to some filter programmes for help the software solution, to block unhealthy websites. Some others set rules for their children to guide them on how to use the Internet safely the underwear solution. In my opinion, this problem calls for the attention of the whole society.The governmnent , schools and parents should unite together to guide the children on how to make proper use of the Internet.They can put in softwares to block unhealthy websites, and help the children to be aware of the harm of unhealthy websites. (156 words Writing steps * * * * 请根据下列两幅图用英语写一篇短文,短文内容须包括以下几个要点: 1.妈妈阻止儿子去扶摔倒的女孩。 2. 儿子对倒了的油瓶置之不理。 3.写作时要有适当发挥,要写出妈妈的惊诧,还要写出你对这漫画的感受和想法。 1.体裁: Narrative+Argumentative 陈述+议论 2. 人称: First/third person 3. 时态: Past/Present tense Structure: 短文内容须包括以下几个要点: 1.妈妈阻止儿子去扶摔倒的女孩。 2. 儿子对倒了的油瓶置之不理。 3.写作时要有适当发挥,要写出妈妈的惊诧, 还要写出你对这漫画的感受和想法。 Description of the pictures Interpretation of the pictures Personal opinion Part 2:Interpretation of the pictures Part 3:Personal opinion as is described, fall down , attempt to, knock down be surprised to , ignore , lie on the floor a caring heart ,help people in need, avoid trouble, cold and selfish. personally, care for, shoulder responsibility. 1.体裁:Narrative+ Argumentative 叙述+议论 2.人称: First/third person 3.时态: Present tense 结构Structure Description of the pictures Interpretation of the pictures Your personal opinion on this issue Structure: 要点Key points Parent Expert Part 1: Description of the pictures The PC monitor, underwear As is described in the picture; wear underwear expert; parent ; give advice to; There are three ways; make the Internet safer cutting off access to the Internet filter programmes (过滤软件) How to understand : “underwear” ? FUNCTION: original to prevent people from seeing sth. unsuitable implied to prevent children from seeing sth. unsuitable on the net. “Underwear” here : non technical way of doing so, such as setting rules for children to control their Internet activities. Be concerned about/ be worried about; cut off the access to Filter programmes; set rules Part 1: Description of the pictures Part 2: Interpretation of the pictures Part 3:Your personal opinion on this issue as is described in the picture; wear underwear expert; parent ; give advice to; There are three ways; make the Internet safer be concerned about/ be worried about; cut off the access to filter programmes; set rules in my opinion; call for the attention of, unite together; make proper use of, be aware of 1、审题: 体裁( Genre )、人称( Person )、 时态(Tense ) 2、结构和要点:结构(分段)? 要点? 3、连词成句:要点扩展成句子。 4、连句成文: 5、修改并誊写: 修改错误,工整美观地誊写 注意衔接过渡和一些固定搭配



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